Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and it is the sign of the founder. Pisces are said to be highly spiritual and to think deeply on life. That's why this blog is... Absolutely Pisces!

Close Photography of Water Drops

Latest articleThe Sacral chakra

The Sacral chakra is the temple of our emotions, movement, change and fluids. Often called the Sex chakra it is closely related to lust and pleasure. It’s demon is ‘guilt’. The key to a healthy Sacral chakra is bringing balance to our pleasures, connections, emotions and judgements. That means to lust rather than crave, to understand rather than judge. To be flexible as water, without giving up on our values and morals.

 10 min|24 Apr 2021|| 34|Chakras series

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Close Photography of Water Drops

The Sacral chakra

The Sacral chakra is the temple of our emotions, movement, change and fluids. Often called the Sex chakra it is closely related to lust and pleasure. It’s demon is ‘guilt’. The key to a healthy Sacral chakra is bringing balance to our pleasures, connections, emotions and judgements. That means to lust rather than crave, to understand rather than judge. To be flexible as water, without giving up on our values and morals.

 10 min|24 Apr 2021|| 34|Chakras series

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About me

Xavier is a complementary therapist, IT professional, writer and lifelong student of yoga. Next to his job as a Business Information Analyst (BIA) at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, he is running a practice. He is specialized in Energy therapy and coaching. He loves sports, music and nature. In his spare free time he is writing a spiritual thriller. Xavier was born in March 1983. He lives in the city of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

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